Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Soul of the USA is under attack

Let me share this quickly...

My family has a habit of saying sometimes, "It's a free country"... but that is just not so... not in some time.  I think of the TSA's behavior as an "in your face" example, and the stripping of American Citizen's rights... it is something out of the Old Soviet Union or Nazi Germany... when do the Black-coated Goons start barging into our lives saying, "Papers please..." with a machine gun behind their request?  It can't be far away.  It is disturbing how much of our lives is recorded on video... and how its all networked and "who" has access... BIG BROTHER INDEED!  Our freedom is a joke, sadly.  It breaks my heart... but the country I grew up in is not what this has become.

There's a song I used to listen to in the 80's by KANSAS (one of my old favorites)... called, "The Sparks of the Tempest" (Steve Walsh and Kerry Livgren wrote it... Kerry is quite an amazing fellow)... it just seemed almost prophetic:

The future is managed, and your freedom's a joke
You don't know the difference as you put on the yoke
The less that you know, more you fall into place
A cog in the wheel, there is no soul in your face

Run for the cover, Millennium's here
Bearing the standard of confusion and fear
Spreading like wildfire, fallin' like rain
Though they may promise, they only bring pain

Get ready... it is at the door.  We have talked about the time when our liberties are taken from us violently... at time when real Christians are hated and persecuted, imprisoned and probably martyred for their faith and their refusal to deny Jesus Christ.  We are on the brink.  When you see the blatant destruction of the fundamental rights of the basic U.S. Citizen publicly... they have become brazen in their confidence.  

What you see by the TSA is a "sign" that they are not going to hide their campaigning anymore.  One of the most intelligent blogs I read said something to the effect that since 9/11, the American Government has been attacking its own citizens with the premise of protecting them.  It has been an excuse to attack our basic Constitutional Rights.  It is an attack on the very SOUL of AMERICA.   The foundation of this country had to do with liberty, justice, the pursuit of happiness, and a seeking of God's face to keep us.  Read up on it (ignore the hype of some Anti-christian groups and read what the founding fathers actually said.  Even the deists in the bunch humbled before God at times of trouble).  

It is the basic liberties that are on the foundation level (our Constitution... the Bill of Rights) that are being attacked.  The TSA is an arm of a force that hates our liberties as we are being destroyed from within.

We had better be both praying and preparing.  This is not paranoia... we knew that perilous times would come before the End of this Age.  We knew that Jesus was returning soon.  We knew... why did we think that the USA would somehow be spared?  Why is it that so many were martyred for their faith in the last century and we thought we were somehow safe? 

Folks, we were attacked from the inside.  The country has weak or evil leadership and there is nothing to protect us from the darkness that is coming... except... GOD!  So, are we praying?  Are we ready?  Are you?

Be filled with the Spirit... be led of the Spirit... and prepare.

Know this... there is coming a showdown.  There are those within movements as the Tea Party who are trying to retake this country before it is too late.  I don't think though that most really recognize how far it has gone... how many U.N. soldiers are already on U.S. soil... how little it would take to fake a National Emergency and declare martial law... how they would come to round up all the weapons of the people by force (of course the Constitution would finally be wiped aside in this and all of the our few remaining liberties with it)... and then come to round up people who would by their very nature oppose such an oppressive, evil regime... Christians. 

If this country is spared at this time, it will be because that the people of the United States decide to pray and REPENT and turn back to God.  I don't see it happening... there is some sign of it, but most are growing more and more lukewarm.

Folks... it is at the door... get ready!  Get ready!  Don't bow before the spirit of Antichrist.  Don't deny your faith.  Pray... repent... and stand.

Try and not deceive yourselves... this is a very perilous time that we are entering.  It is not going to be easy.  But greater is HE that is within us that he that is in the world.  Being "in Christ" is the answer.  Sometime look up the writer of those lyrics... Kerry Livgren from the Progressive Rock Band Kansas.  Mr. Livgren became a born again Christian in the 1980's.  His lyrics were always spiritual and searching for a deeper truth than the normal carnal living of the average person (as Dust in the Wind shows).  They became very Christian after his conversion, and you will find both his testimony and a Bible study on the nature of Jesus' Divinity on his website.  I read where he did teach a bible group at Topeka Bible Church.  He had a stroke last year and I don't know if he is still doing that or not.  But, these lyrics are almost prophetic for this age... much more than they were in the early 80's when they were released.

One last quote from the song...

Big brother is watching and he likes what he sees
A world for the taking, when he's ready to squeeze
King and the Queen are gone, each piece is the same
The difference between us is a part of the game

If you are a Christian, then you are going to wind up with one of two choices... bow to Jesus or bow to a very evil power that is controlling things as they take away your liberty.  

But looking at this as an American (without the actual spiritual connotations), you need to "THINK" and decide if what is happening is Constitutional.   In other words... is what the government is doing to its own citizens legal or not?  Is an attack on our Constitution something we should just "allow" without any fuss or resistance?   Is this the same country that our fathers and mothers grew up in?  Is this still the United States of America or has it become something else?  Do you realize that many other nations have looked to us as a beacon of liberty?  Now, we are losing our soul as a nation.  Do we just let that happen?  Do we?

James Coldiron

Saturday, September 11, 2010

What is wrong with this?

Just a quick observation.  Here on September 11, 2010... the anniversary of one of the most vicious sneak attacks against the American People in history, there is much unrest in and outside the country.  The contention that has arisen out of an Islamic Group with a leader known to be an enemy of the American People, and a friend to terrorist groups wishing to build a Mosque in the area of Ground Zero... where the World Trade Center was destroyed by Islamic Terrorists on September 11, 2001.  So, we have come to the ninth anniversary, and things have become weird.  There was a point nine years ago where the United States for a very short time became unified and a force to be reckoned with.  But it would seem that the understanding that we were given by those terrorists that there are a group of people in the world who have declared JIHAD on the West (that is us, folks) and are dedicated to our destruction has been forgotten in just a few short years.  That is a commentary on the "Sheeple Principle" that speaks volumes without me adding anything else to it.

Nine years later, you have these people who might be within their rights to build on the site of the attack, but certainly are not using one speck of wisdom or compassion in building there.  What most people do not realize is that Muslims have for centuries been building Mosques on top of sites of Islamic victories.  They like to build them on top of their enemy's holy sites, such as the Dome of the Rock on the site of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.  They have a number of Mosques built upon sites that were once Christian Churches.  Building a huge Mosque on a site where thousands of people were murdered in the name of Allah in New York falls within normal Islamic behavior when you consider their own teachings and their history throughout the centuries.  We really should not be surprised.

The unrest brought up by certain Christian (and at least one pseudo-christian) Churches in their desire to burn Korans to show their belief that Islam is a false religion which serves a false god in retaliation to the desire to build at the site of the World Trade Center Murders is reaching dangerous proportions.  Of course, not much is said when Muslims burn crosses and Bibles (not to mention the odd American Flag which is different, but connected).  

Its like, we must have religious tolerance to allow them to step on the faith of Jesus Christ and upon the faith of Jews, no one must dare say anything about Allah or the Koran.  There is a very obvious double-standard in this, and our seemingly weak-kneed leaders in this country just falls in line with it.  NOTE:  I DO NOT THINK THAT CHURCHES NEED TO THROW STONES AT OTHER RELIGIONS.  NOBODY IS CONVERTED THAT WAY.  The Crusades only served to make both Jew and Muslim hate Christians.  Going and murdering them and taking their land in the name of Jesus did not make them love or accept Jesus. It amazes me the blasphemous things that have been done in the name of Jesus when His core teachings opposes hating or murdering any person.  

This in not what the church is supposed to be... period.  The church is to bring the gospel of Jesus Christ with love and power in an uncompromising way.  I understand that building a Mosque on the World Trade Center site is a pouring of salt into a wound in America.  It is.  It is wrong.  Just because an activity is backed by law does not necessarily make it the right thing to do.  BUT REACTING IN THE SAME KIND OF RAGE AS IS SHOWN TO US IS NOT RIGHT EITHER.  Two wrongs do not make a right (I know... it sounds corny, but it is totally true).  We are to OVERCOME EVIL WITH GOOD, and not more evil.  The Koran is a book of religious hate.  I have read through it.  It mixes a high level of religiosity with hatred of others who will not submit to Islam.  There is a historical reason for that, but I will not explore it today. 

There is great unrest in the world this September 11th.  There are fiery demonstrations against the USA and Christianity in Afghanistan and other Islamic countries today.  And although the original church that was going to burn the Koran has been convinced that it was causing the wrong effect and decided not to, several other churches have decided to pick up where they left off and are burning one today including the hate-filled Westboro Baptist Church... you know, the church that love to say that God hates America and protests the funerals of our fallen military.  They claim hate is the way of the Savior.  Their fruit of hate speaks for itself.  

Muslim groups are grouping to retaliate, even though they themselves are responsible for persecuting Christians abroad and burning Bibles and crosses (double standard again).

And if you add the PURE MESS our economy is in and the fact that there is coming a day when they will not be able to pay the interest due on the money and the banks will close to all of us as the dollar is destroyed... and it is coming...

WHAT ARE THE BIGGER INTERESTS OF THE DAY?  It amazes me how the news media these days seem to be trying to lull us to sleep and get our minds off of anything important!  I think it might be better to name them what they are... Propaganda Networks.  And what is the BIGGER INTEREST?

"Why did President Obama not have his wedding ring on during a news conference?"

Yes folks, that was the major buzz from the White House News Staff... what is going on with the Wedding Ring?  GASP!!!  Never mind that Mr. Obama was admitting that the Health Care Reform was actually going to increase the costs of health care (oh, I didn't mention that one, did I?).  He admitted that the costs are now up thanks to the new laws.  Never mind that the major leaders of business are not hiring or expanding because they think that the Obama Administration is Anti-business and from tax issues to the new health care costs, it isn't worth expanding while unemployment is skyrocketing.   They are trying to admit slowly that we are in a Recession, but what they are afraid to say is that we are on the brink of a Depression.

But the real concern is why is the president being seen without his wedding ring?

And the sheeple turn to one another and ask the profound question, "I wonder why he didn't wear his ring, honey?"

Then the news corps were given the explanation... "The wedding ring is being repaired"!  Whew!  I was concerned there.  I mean, what if he just deliberately did not wear it?  I mean, what would happen to his very image if that were to happen?

If you are not sickened of being led down a rosy path as real nightmares are materializing around us by now, then I guess you will be totally shocked when you find yourself in bondage, with no income or food, and the enemy at your door with a gun or bomb while you are worrying about some trivia.  WAKE UP!  Do not listen to the droning of nothingness.  

It is hypnotic and empty of purpose, that is the point.  Who cares why he didn't wear his wedding ring!  I want to know why he sounded off on that Mosque in New York when he didn't have to elevating the conflict!  I want to know why he used every dirty trick to bring in a health care system that already can be seen as a disaster against the desires and cries of the majority of the citizens of this nation!  I want to know why he has put us in more debt than we will ever be able to deal with and acts like everything is getting better when it is exploding financially all around us!  I don't give a gnat's hair why he's not wearing his wedding ring or the occasions that Mrs. Obama did not wear hers!  Dear God, please help the news services actually report some real news!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Question: Does the Federal Government want rid of Arizona???

Does it seem to you that President Obama and others are out of touch on what is happening in Arizona and other border states in the South?

If you want to move any contraband into the USA, be it drugs or guns or bioweapons (for terrorists), then the Mexican Border is open enough to move anything that you want. Besides the open desert, there is an active tunnel system that the Drug Cartels control.
If a terrorist got their hands on a nuke, then the easiest and surest way to move it into the USA would be via Mexico and our unsecured border.

The borders of practically every major country in the world are secure, except the the U.S.A.'s.
I wonder why we (the American people) are not worth protection from an invasion of drugs and drug cartels? It is a fact that the great majority of groups of illegals that cross the border (especially in Arizona) are carrying drugs or other contraband.  A lot of courts won't even seriously try an illegal if they are carrying a kilo of dope because of the ones who are bringing a lot over the border (that one blew my mind)... trying not to congest the system any worse than it already is. They kidnap and kill United States citizens. They attack the owners of ranches on the border when they investigate who is on their land. If the drug cartels cannot buy an official off, then that official's life expectancy drops radically on both sides of the border.

The border lands have become literal warzones. Arizona especially is fighting to keep from being taken over by Mexican drug lords who have already taken over a great portion of the Mexican side. I wonder why great sums of money can be created out of thin air (look at how they create money and the fact that money represents debt with the Federal Reserve sometime) to support a war on the other side of the world, and why our most precious commodity, our soldiers and airmen and sailors and marines can be risked on the other side of the world, and yet the federal government can only send 30 National Guardsmen to protect the Arizona border against major intrusions into our country by drug cartels. 

In fact, it is not an exaggeration to say that ARIZONA IS FIGHTING AGAINST A REAL INVASION FROM SOUTH OF THE BORDER.

Arizona has passed new laws to help it fight the FLOOD of illegals and the drug trade, so the Federal Government has sued the State of Arizona over it. Arizona has asked for President Obama to do his job and help them secure the American Border in Arizona because very hostile forces are moving dope and other contraband with thousands of illegals into our country attacking the law and order of the land, and putting U.S. citizens at GREAT RISK. Their response has been to sue sheriffs who are trying to keep the drug cartels out.

Arizona has officially asked for National Guard help to keep these dangerous people out of the American side of the border... they asked for 3000 troops. The President promised the gradual incremental installation of National Guard, but so far he has sent a whole 30 guardsmen
. 30! That's right! They asked for 3000, and the U.S. Government sent a whole 30 soldiers to help keep all the borderland of Arizona protected.
QUESTION: Does President Obama want to give Arizona to the Mexican Drug Cartels as a present?
Or, does the president want to feed the fires of discontent and civil unrest in the United States? 
Between selling out not only our future but our children and their children's future by giving us a debt that generations will have to work on paying off, and the fact that he seems more concerned about illegal aliens and the drug cartels that help them get across with their drugs than he does the citizens (and their safety) of the United States, one begins to wonder if he cares about the United States and her people at all. One wonders if this lawyer ever studied the Constitution and read about how this country actually started and how that he seems to be repeating many of the same mistakes as King George of England and the arrogant high-handed way that the English just plain did not care about the Colonies or their needs.

This government is trashing the people worse than it has ever been trashed since we have been the United States of America. The principles of the founding fathers and the Constitution are being trashed, and it is treated as if it is no big deal by our leaders. Do they think that they are above the law of the land?

Mr. Obama and his other liberal thinking Congressmen puppets who have followed behind him (and not just the Democrats either), seem to be walking around as if they are awake and conscious(walking and talking), but are about as aware of the wishes and needs of the American Public and their own responsibilities under the Constitution as a comatose zombie might be. They also seem as aware of their own responsibilities to represent the people (the is the government of the people, for the people, and by the people) about as much a self-centered lemur might be. My point is, it would seem that they are totally unaware that the people of Arizona, and perhaps the people of the United States will not put up with this kind of high-handed narcissism by President Obama and other Congressional leaders. 

When the people are crying out for the federal government to do their jobs, and the government winds up opposing those people and making it harder for those who are trying to do their jobs to protect the people (such as the legislative and police forces of Arizona) and act like they are within their rights to do this... well, it sounds like some of our leaders have Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

So, does the Federal Government, and more specifically President Obama, want rid of Arizona? He seems dead set on forcing them to be unprotected against an army of drug lords and the violence that has become a part of their lives. Does he want to make a present of Arizona to the Drug Lords?

This is indicative of an administration that is totally out of touch with the people of the United States. This is indicative of a narcissistic personality that has power, and does not care what his responsibility is supposed to be or what the people think at all.
It is a shame that in our system of government, the American People could not call for a Vote of No Confidence for our president and certain members of Congress.

I read a commentary last night by someone who pointed out that the way that Mr. Obama keeps blaming President Bush is not fooling many people. In fact, a "lot" of people who voted for Mr. Obama in the nation has made it clear that they would rather have George W. Bush back in the office right now.  Funny how things are relative. Sometimes you listen to those in charge of the media complain so much that you get to believing them that someone is guilty of things that they couldn't possibly be... as it was with Mr. Bush. I understand that some of the problems we have now with the border were made worse with Mr. Bush's caving into the people who wanted him to pass NAFTA and be easy on illegal aliens. But, we never saw any indication that he was for helping the drug cartels, or would have backed the Mexicans over his own people. Things have degraded quickly. They were bound though to blame Mr. Bush for everything in the last election... even things that he had nothing to do with. Then, when the rubber meets the road later and you see what happens when the people get what they demand sometimes without checking out what the man really stands for... well, you realize that your complaining before is not that well-founded and you did not have it bad compared to your current situation. American could have made a much wiser choice.

See... America asked for this... sadly. They thought they knew what they wanted, and what they have put in power has turned around and bit them when it suited him. He is either unaware, or simply does not care.

Between the devastating debt and destruction of the U.S. Dollar, and the invasion of our borders by the drug cartels and the callous way that the current administration (hey, its the majority of congress, too) is supporting the drug lords over our people,
the winds of change in the coming elections have become a uni-directional hurricane. It's too bad we can't call for that vote this week.

James Coldiron

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Why my name is FireStorm in the Forums

In the mid to late 1980's, I was in an interesting position.  Basically, I was running from a call of God on my life.  It isn't that I didn't trust God, but I did not understand that it is through God that we can do anything and that it did not matter that I knew all my own weaknesses and problems.  God does it through us... and because I was not looking to Him, but thinking of my own weaknesses, I ran for a few years.

During this time, I would have a recurring dream 1-3 times each week.  This is not your standard dream.  Although there would be differences from time to time, the basics of the dream would always be the same.  I felt actually tormented in this time because the dreams would get more and more intense as time went on.  
The dreams followed this line... God had given me a mission... a message to get out to as many people on the Earth as possible.  I only had a certain amount of time, because a terrible storm was coming to the land.  I would speak to so many people in so many places and in so many ways.  Many times it would seem like the great crowds listened, but the message was to get into a certain place before the storm hit or you would be caught in the storm.  And it was not just any storm, but a "FIRE STORM"  I would ride or run or walk from place to place giving the warning given to me by God, and in those times, the power of God would be rising in me and around me as the storm clouds gathered as in a circle around us moving in.

At the end of each dream, all that had listened would be in the same place (I know that's a metaphor and not a literal location).  And I would see the sky catch on fire.  The clouds that had been dark and threatening, literally caught on fire and a tornado of fire would reach down out of the swirling clouds and lightning and start to consume the land... the land would catch on fire as the firestorm had started its work of judgment.  I would be at the door and would be looking for anyone else, for there was only a small fraction of those who had heard the message that had actually made it.  Only a fraction of the people that seemed to hear and receive was actually there when the time came.  And as the storm started to come, God would say step away from the door, and it would shut!  We who had listened would be safe and were about to be taken where we would be safe from the storm.  But everyone who had heard and not heeded was now locked outside, where the firestorm consumed.

This vision of judgment was so intense in me as a young man, that one time I had driven for hours up around Shelby County, KY to see my cousin Perry, and in front of me was a powerful storm, and I nearly turned around and went back to Southeastern Kentucky.  Why?  Because it was so electrical, that it looked like the clouds were on fire somewhat... enough to remind me of the dream I had just had the night before.  It took prayer and a lot of self-control to keep on the road to my destination seeing that approaching straight in front of me.

The funny thing is, that after I embraced who I am in the Lord and walked fully in to the ministry that God has called me to, I never again had one of those dreams.  They just stopped once I became obedient.  Now, I understand that God formed and called me from my mother's womb to be who and what I am in Christ.  I hate that I ever ran, because it wasn't just God I was running from.  I was running from who I really am.

I have been given the opportunity to sound the warning in a number of places, and in a number of ways by the Lord.  I now understand, that the numbers of who responds are not my responsibility.  My responsibility to God is to be faithful to deliver the message, and do it in love and power with passion, for the time of the firestorm is truly coming.  There is a storm coming to this land.  I believe that God is going to allow me to have one last big push (the 11th Hour) before the end of this work.  And while I work in local churches, I will continue on the Internet as FireStorm to bring the Word of God and the warning that Jesus Christ is soon to call His church out of this world... the end of this age is at hand, and we must make ourselves ready.  

I know that only a fraction who hears will actually be one of the 5 Wise Virgins (Matthew 25) that is ready when the Midnight Cry is made.  But, God has called me for this hour... for this time... to be faithful, and some will listen.  Some will hear this one that is sometimes called FireStorm.  I must be faithful to God, and I must sound the message that He has given.  Some will hear the Voice of the Watchman.  Will you?

James Coldiron

Monday, May 10, 2010

Can you Spot the NUT?

Can you Spot the Nut?

Now boys and girls, it is time to play once again, "Can you spot the Nut?"

To begin with, let us consider that all of the law in the United States is founded on the foundation of the U.S. Constitution.  And in our Constitution, there are 10 initial amendments called, The Bill of Rights.  They are the foundation of liberty in this country and the spirit of our founding fathers in giving liberty the protection of law.  The very First Amendment is one of the most important, and yet the one that seems to aggravate certain loonies who have weaseled their ways into our legal system.  As I did in my last BLOG, I will quote from the First Amendment:

QUOTE:  "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

It says that Congress will not make a state-run religion, and that they will not do anything to prohibit our free exercise of religion.  In other words, we have Freedom of Religion, and it is not the government's place to stick its nose into our faith and our faith practices at all... ever!  The so-called separation clause is not even in the Constitution, but in a letter by Thomas Jefferson to the Danbury Baptists taken from  his understanding of the No Establishment and the free exercise clause from the First Amendment. He was telling them that they would keep their governmental and judicial noses out of their religious business.  The Supreme Court in the last century totally reversed the meaning of this letter to mean the opposite than its original intention.  Can you spot the Nut there?   Ahem... anyway, in a blatant abuse of the Judicial Branch's power in actually making U.S. Law and policy instead of judging a law's constitutionality, the court used this as an excuse for laws to be able to stifle the free exercise of religion in any venue where the government funded, such as schools, etc.  Thomas Jefferson would have been sickened if he knew his letter to comfort Baptists had been used to attack the church.

Slip back to today and PORT WENTWORTH, Georgia.  The Ed Young Senior Citizens Center at Port Wentworth (near Savannah) now tells its elderly residents that they CANNOT PRAY BEFORE THEIR MEALS because the federal government helps pick up the cost of their meals (besides a .55 cent copay).  Since the U.S. Government is helping to pay for their means, they are FORBIDDEN TO PRAY OVER THEIR MEALS at this SENIOR CITIZENS HOME.  

If this were the old Soviet Union or Communist China, this kind of religious persecution would be expected.  It is expected in Police States that the innocent is not allowed to practice their faith as in praying over their meals.  But this is the United States of America where the Constitution gives us the clear cut right to pray if we want to pray, and this nursing home has forbidden the praying over your meals.  I wonder what the penalty is if you dare to pray?  Are these older folks allowed to eat if they dare to pray?

I found this very heartbreaking and insane article at , and it reports that the Vice President of Senior Citizens, Inc. said, "We can't scoff at their rules,.. It's a part of the operational guidelines."  Okay folks, its to to play, "CAN YOU SPOT THE NUT?"

First of all, it is unconstitutional for a government to tell any one of its citizens that it cannot pray no matter where they are at the time.  They now have to have a moment of silence, and nobody can vocally pray out loud at their meals.  I suppose if you wanted to pray out loud, you would not get to eat at their nursing homes.  The First Amendment makes it clear that the government cannot do anything that will prohibit the free exercise of religion.  YET, THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT THIS IS DOING!  Is the NUT in this case the government, or the black robed justices that have reversed the meaning of the Constitution?  Is the NUT the nursing home administrator that is either so fearful of the government that he is forcing some of the most defenseless people in the world to not be able to exercise their Constitutional Rights?  Who is the Nut, because somebody is!  This is a lunatic kind of ruling.  

Either this is a lunatic loss of sanity in giving into an unconstitutional law out of fear, or this is a more plain evil hatred of faith and using the current direction of court as an excuse to keep the elderly from praying  Either way, it is a sad day that we have come to this in the United States.


Sunday, May 9, 2010

Have you ever wondered, "What are they really saying?"

Just a quick note this Sunday on the "oddness of things" and what leaders say and what it seems to really mean.  Today, I read that President Obama (reported by the AFP) was speaking at Hampton University in Hampton, VA.  And in his speech, he was complaining about the age of free information and the technology of the day.  He put iPads in with Xboxes and iPods and spoke about how in the light of these technologies (which he says that he does not know how to use), that we are living when information is more for entertainment than for education.  He went on to complain how people who really do not know what they are talking about are able to share their erroneous views with the public, and many times they catch on even though they are not true.  He thought that this was a threat to democracy.  Okay... this struck me as being very odd.

One wonders if he is trying to be the 'CHAMPION OF TRUTH', lifting a standard against those who would dare to lie to us!  This is coming from a politician that used every trick known in his Chicago-brand politics to pass a Health Care Bill that the vast majority of the country screamed not to pass.  This comes from a man who makes jokes about the laws in Arizona, not taking into consideration the common-place murders, kidnappings (316 in Phoenix alone in 2009 connected to over the border drug trafficking) and mayhem that the drug trade coming over the border is causing there (to the point that until 2009, suspects with less than 500 pounds of narcotics were not prosecuted due to the high amounts of illegals caught).  As the Governor of Arizona shared with a video to President Obama, nobody in Arizona is laughing.  The Obama Administration is not coming across really as the champions of truth over the lies of others... harrumph... we shall let that one lie where it is, and go on.

Mr. Obama seems to be concerned that information is shared too freely, and that people that the powers that be deem irresponsible are able to actually share their ideas with the world.  Uh... this reminds me of something.  It was in that "Constitution thing"... the Bill of Rights or something... what was it now?  Uh... uh.... Freedom of Speech?!?  Oh yeah, that's it!  

To Quote the First Amendment to the United States Constitution:  'The amendment prohibits the making of any law "respecting an establishment of religion", impeding the free exercise of religion, infringing on the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances.' 

But honestly, it would seem that freedom of speech is not the only part of the First Amendment that gives some of the "Powers that Be" some concern... but that is the one being addressed today by our president today at Hampton University.  Could it be that blogs like this one might not be appreciated by some?  Could it be that the real problem is a "lack of control" by the government?  Could it be that the free access of information that is not controlled or shaped by the government would help people make a more informed and unbiased judgment on the condition of their world and what is really going on?

I remember when President George W. Bush was president.  I need to preface this by saying that I am not overjoyed by the Iraq War myself.  I think I have a different take on it than a lot of people, but it grieves me that any way at any time becomes necessary.  And it is even more grievous when there might have been a way around war and it is not taken.  But that is another topic...

on this one, I noticed this.  The press only covered parts of what was happening.  And the press told us to hate Mr. Bush.  The press told us that even when it was the act of others, it was still Mr. Bush's fault.  The press told us that GWB was the root of all evil on Planet Earth and that if he could only be removed, peace and prosperity would come to the planet and the environment would be fixed.  Uh... even though I am not exactly a "fan" of Mr. Bush, I found myself defending him at times because people seemed insane in their hatred of him.  People blamed him for things that could not possibly be his fault, and it became irrational.  I would find myself defending him because their hatred for him was on the insane level, and he could not have possibly been guilty of what they were saying (even though as I said, I was not exactly a fan myself).  I recognized that the PROPAGANDA MACHINE was at work shaping the common sheeple's mind into thinking that he was evil... just accept what is offered on the other side when the time comes.

Well, the sheeple did, and what they accepted was a man who has clear Socialist Politics (that was not particularly hidden), and had the most liberal voting record at the time (also a matter of record if you cared to look).  People who called themselves moderates and many conservatives voted for him (though they are complaining the loudest right now as he has had record low poll points) because they had been manipulated by the media machine into thinking that this was the way.  Mr. Obama is the new messiah (in fact, there was scary connections to the idea of him being some kind of messiah).  He has not however, led anyone to any kind of Promised Land.  

I think its kind of odd that he would put the iPad (which is basically the future of computers and information connectivity) and the Xbox (which is just a gaming system) together as if they represent the same thing.  I suppose they both represent electronics and networking, but the similarities kind of die out after that.  And considering Mr. Obama's use of his own Blackberry, I don't think that he is that ignorant of electronic devices.  This is not a stupid man.  I don't know about his wisdom, but he isn't stupid.  I find it difficult that he does not know any better or know how to use them.  Oh well, maybe... but I still find it hard to swallow.

What I truly hope is not really being said (and I mean that... I hope this is not what he is really saying) is something like this, 

"I am uncomfortable with today's Internet-connected devices that allow people who are not part of our controlled information machine the ability to influence others with their ideas and data that we have not sanctioned."

I most seriously hope that this is not the real message, but it feels a little like it to me.  Understand that I am not saying that this was the actual meaning of his speech.  I am not saying that I know the man's hidden thoughts or his heart.  But it does seem likely that this is the thrust of what is behind his speech.  It would seem that he either is thinking this way, or he does not understand what he is really saying, because it does not compute.  But I have to wonder sometimes if this isn't the undertone to many of our leaders when they say things like this.  I keep reading of those who want to clamp down on the Internet and the ability of people to blog freely and share ideas.  It is an attack on Freedom of Speech.  

I know that there are "crazies" out there that really are dangerous and promote dangerous things.   But there are intelligent, thinking people out there as well.  We need to read and learn so that we can discern the difference.  Because there is a lot of shaped, non-factual information that is passed off to us as "the news" sometimes, which does not have a lot to do with what is really going on.  When news agencies have to shape and reshape what has happened in order to give a particular slant on something, this is not journalism.  It is propaganda.  

I remember back in the 1990's, we were watching a satellite news feed from a "certain news agency" in Israel.  It was the news feed back to their home base in the USA and had raw video on it before it had been edited (back before they were doing more encryption... we were able to pick it up).  They literally paid these teenage Palestinian boys to set a car on fire and act like they were angry for the cameras.  The sad thing is that the cameras were on them when they paid them.  We watched this and then we watched on the network it was shown on, the edited product.  And IT IS A PRODUCT, TOO.  They reported it as more Palestinian violence as the conditions worsened for them from the "oppressive Israeli government."  The truth is that it was a set up drama that was a result of this news agency creating news.  I and some cousins of mine witnessed that.  That is propaganda, and not news.

I find that I can find benefits from reading many opinions and viewpoints that are far away from my own.  I learn from other points of view.  It helps me to understand why people believe what they do, even when I do not agree with them.  According to the article, Mr. Obama "bemoaned" the pressures that these people who are able to distribute their views as a threat to democracy.  I think that there is some shaping of opinions of the crowd against those who would dissent there.  But as far as democracy goes, the First Amendment gives us the right to actually complain when we believe things are not right.  That really is our right.  This is democracy actually.  Promoting Free Speech does promote democracy.  It isn't a threat to it.  That one line is what prompted me to write this.  

The Internet and the current electronic age and even blogs and vlogs have open the doors for new points of view to be distributed.  YES, we need to use caution in what we believe, and weigh it against the truth that we already have.  We need to use self-control and wisdom in distributing our own views to the world, or people will not listen.  We need to exercise self-control in our freedom and not use it for an excuse to just hurt others.  I understand that balance.  But the availability of information via the Internet today has added to mankind's knowledge vastly.  It has allowed us to see more of the truth of things if we take the time to look at the sources and weigh them in the balance, rather than just taking the prefabricated version spit out at us at times.  

More information allows us to have a more balanced education, and not just a pre-programmed one that tend to make clone-like people who think and speak just alike.  We are individuals, and we can learn to grow and enhance our lives through one another.  

Oh well... 'nuff said on this one.


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Truth about Lemmings and Man

I want to talk about a "fascinating" subarctic creature known as a lemming.  Lemmings look like colorful, fat prairie dogs and live within the arctic circle (such as Norway) where food is not exactly at a premium.  There is a lot of controversy over lemmings due to a 1960's era documentary by Walt Disney Studios that staged a mass lemming suicide.  They did show an actual behavior, but staged it for the cameras and did not thoroughly explain it.  That staged documentary (which won an award by the way), has made many think that the mass lemming suicide is not real, but sadly it is.  They aren't actually trying to kill themselves however, but the result is the same.

Lemmings in fact are very good at two activities.  Eating and breeding lots and lots of more lemmings.  An average female can have between 9 to 11 offspring yearly.  On a good-weather year, they can literally breed all year round.  They usually have small migrations in search for food in most years, and they have a lot of natural predators that keep the populations down somewhat.   But their numbers still outgrow the level where there is sufficient food and resources.  And every four years or so, a very bizarre thing occurs that scientists still are at a loss to fully explain.

A small group of lemmings suddenly leaves the crowd and starts a migration... a mass migration!  The bulk (but not all or the species would die out) of the rest sees the leaders who "seem to know" where they are going and follows.  And follow they do, over land devouring plants and roots as they go.   When the group hits some barrier such as a stream or a log or some other roadblock, a mild panic-fear reaction sets in as they crowd gathers behind the leaders and they leap or swim through or over the obstacle.  Lemmings are actually very good swimmers.  This continues until they hit the end of the ice pack.  The leaders who have led the bulk of their kind up until now are put on the edge of a great precipice as the numbers of lemmings that have followed them gather and push at them slowly pushing them over the edge.  

The same mild panic-fear reaction that has served to get them through obstacles to get them this far kicks in again.  This time however, the leaders lead the others to an icy, watery death.  By the thousands, lemmings follow their leaders in jumping over the edge of the ice pack into the freezing waters below.  Being such good swimmers, they start swimming.  But there is no land to swim to.  The ice pack is far above them, and all that they can do is swim until hypothermia and exhaustion kills them one by one... and then hundred by hundred... and then thousand by thousand.  The lemmings commit mass suicide, though that was not their goal.  They thought that they were going where they could have more food to eat and make more baby lemmings.  They followed someone who acted like they knew the answer, but was just as clueless as the bulk of them... they just acted like they had some special knowledge of where to go and what to do.  Ignorance is not bliss, but instead usually leads to some disaster.  This is the truth behind the arctic lemmings.

People many times act like lemmings.  As a preacher of the gospel, I have pointed out in times past the foolishness of taking the advice from the world... who is heading in a direction of total destruction anyway.  How wise can they be?  I have pointed out scriptures that show us that we are to follow Christ an the Holy Spirit, and not the world.  In fact, we should not yoke ourselves our join our directions together with those who are of the darkness if we are truly of the light (2 Corinthians 6:14-17).

The news media machine has been used as a propaganda tool by some to make us think that some have the answers.  Some really interesting examples are Former Vice President Al Gore and his very imaginative film on Global Warming which uses a kind of science that I have never heard of before.  It sounds so very much like he knows what he is talking about that scientists have been caught jumping on board with him (their government grants probably had nothing to do with it, huh?  Right...) and has so misrepresented the data to the United Nations in such as way as they now call it Climategate (thank you President Nixon and Watergate for inspiring all the "...gates" that we have seen since your day).  The truth about climatic change is not nearly as many connected to the government have claimed, and the causes of changes certainly are not (the sun being the #1 factor which has been on the most part ignored in the debate).

Another flaming example that comes to mind was the way that the media portrayed our current President Obama as a super hero or savior of the world (serious Messiah Complex Issues), and it has become PAINFULLY clear that he is not the savior, or a messiah, or any kind of super hero.  He is a flawed human being, and not all-knowing.  He has an agenda (that was predictable if anyone had bothered to check up on his Socialist past and his voting record in politics) that has rubbed the majority of this country the wrong way.  The majority of this country has felt betrayed by much of its leadership as they totally ignored our will and pleas, and did what they wanted to do totally in opposition to the people's will.  We ignored the signs as a country, and elected them.  The media said that we needed them for a change, and the people swallowed it without considering just what kind of change was really coming.  People are more like lemmings than we like to admit.  I wonder how far ahead that final cliff is for the USA?

It seems that what you need is a time of stress for someone... anyone... to rise up and say I know the way to the promised land and the way where we can all prosper.  You see that in some Christian Television Evangelists who no longer preach the gospel of Jesus, but the gospel of Greed.  You are seeing that in politics.  And now, you are now seeing it within the scientific community who needs those grants to continue... and are willing to arrange the data in new and creative ways to get what someone who wants to mislead the public wants.

Lemmings and mankind have some very interesting points of kinship when you explore it.  The majority seems to be just running along after those who claim to be leading us to our salvation... but there is a precipice ahead.  Just how close are we to it?  We have a leadership that tells the world that you can attack us with WMD and we will not retaliate in like manner anymore... and trust to the terrorists' and the countries' (who despises us) good nature that they will not attack the United States.  Lemmings... the Lemming Leaders say that "we know the way!"  The way to what is the question!

I became a Christian because it made sense to believe... and there was a reality in God that was revealed to and in me.  Some people have a dead religion instead of a living Lord.  Some people's faith is blind, and they cannot answer why they believe what they do.  That is dangerous.  I believe what I do politically because it makes sense with the facts to believe it.  I don't because my mom and dad was affiliated with some party, or CNN and MSNBC tells me that some person or party has the answers.  If we are going to have some real answers, they won't come through any political party folks.  I don't want to be an unthinking lemming that just follows someone because they sound good or have good press.   The fall of nations historically have followed exactly that pattern.  

I am not a lemming.  I admit, I am a sheep.  Sheep are not overly intelligent, either.  But I know enough to listen to the Good Shepherd (read St. John 10), and follow His voice.  I have found that this works... men will lead you to ruin, God will lead you where you can rest, be healed, eat and drink and have goodness and mercy follow you.  I refuse to be a lemming and just follow the crowd until we all get pushed off of the cliff!  I am going in these troubled times, to follow my Good Shepherd.  Hey, he calls us by name and has already given His life for us in love.  That is the Good Shepherd.  Try following Him instead of some other lemming.  How close are you to the edge?  Who have you been following?  Do they really know what is best, or do they have a hidden agenda.  I don't like hidden agendas.  Or are they just talented at sounding like they know what they are doing?  Are you a sheep or a lemming?  Mankind will wind up acting like one or the other.

Jim Coldiron

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Sunspot Activity NIL, Earth Weather calmest in 10 Years

Our weather is according to NOAA Storm Prediction Center, about the lowest that we have had in 10 years.  Even Matt Drudge made a point of pointing this out.  This is interesting after the claims of "some" that we would have a horrific Spring Weather due to global warming... ahem.  

I would like to point out that we are on our ninth day without sunspots, and that our sun is running cooler than normal with very little extra activity.  There is a gentle solar wind causing some upper latitude auroras.  But they are the gentle, wispy type.  Take a look at for some beautiful pictures of what it is doing at the pole.  

There is becoming more and more of an obvious connection to strong solar activity with global warming, and quiet solar activity leading to global cooling.  I think that there is probably a connection to coronal holes and their streams to certain tectonic events as well with the excitation of the Earth's core through the magnetic field.  I think that it does not take a lot to see that there are connections to the solar activity and interactions with the Earth and its magnetic field system to both weather and tectonic events.

But for now, its quieter than normal.  So, enjoy a Spring with fewer hailstorms and tornadoes this year, and be thankful for it because this too shall pass eventually.  Take the family out on a picnic if you can and take some time to enjoy nature.  Take time to live, and try to forget the worries and stresses.  Enjoy the season while you can and be thankful.


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Anyone ever notice Blog It's

tendency to post multiple blogs when you try to publish a blog from Facebook?  I just had to delete 4 extra blogs... as if I am not long-winded enough, but to post it 5 times was kind of extreme.  At least I think it is.  I just started this blog on Blogger, and to see that I had that many blogs online kind of blew my mind until I saw that they were just copies of the one I tried to import from Facebook.  Think I will just come here next time.


The Sun: the real culprit in both Global Warming and Cooling

The Sun... the real culprit in both Global Warming and Global Cooling.

Anyone who thinks and has had anything past an entry-level class in Environmental Sciences, probably understands that we have been had by both governments and by scientists who depend upon government grants. I can still remember (and have somewhere still in my possession) charts showing CO2 emissions and their effect on the climate throughout history. Do you realize that the past 5000 years has been so stable climatically that it is an aberration when you compare it to the rest of the Earth's history according to fossil records. The past 5000 years (basically since the Great Flood) has been stable, and what you see is an up and down pattern in temperatures that are controlled primarily by the sun, and to a far lesser degree by volcanic activity.

Understand that I believe that we need to be good stewards of the Earth. I believe in keeping our water and air as clean as possible, and that we need to be smart about what we are doing. But I also know that the reality of the studies (the ones that aren't politically motivated) shows that mankind's most massive CO2 emissions do not even compare to what the Earth puts out in volcanic eruptions. And the worst ones that we have seen as a race has not changed climate majorly more than 10 to 50 years at the most. The Earth has a system that regulates it back into balance after a while. And our emissions aren't enough to make a dent in that system.  Pollutions do cause a lot of damage to the Earth and its ecosystems, but not on that much to climate.


Some quick points (check me out, its true): the atmosphere is cleaner now in the past 10 years than it had been in decades. In fact, around 2004 or 2005, it was remarked how bright and clear the Earth's atmosphere looked to satellite pictures compared to the past going back to the 1960's because frankly, the atmosphere was a lot cleaner from pollutions than it had been since then. If the air is cleaner the past decade, then why the higher temps in many places?

Around the year 2000, the sun entered a time or instability and became hotter. We had greater solar flares (both in size and in sheer numbers), and every planet in the solar system with a climate became hotter and its weather destabilized. Mars had a year long sand storm where you could not see the planet's surface. Jupiter's great storm (the Red Spot) had a new friend join it in the form of a new superstorm or red spot that had never existed before.

Note that our CO2 emissions had absolutely no effect on Mars or Jupiter. I know, it was our Mars Rovers polluting its atmosphere, right?  Well, reality check:  our CO2 emissions had nothing to do with Mars or Jupiter, and yet they had greater climatic changes than the Earth had. I wonder why? Duh... could it be solar emissions?

New technology was patented to put a layer of aluminum oxide scattered in jet fuel to shield the atmosphere from excessive solar radiation. If the alarmists were correct about the "chemtrails" of jets in the last 1990's through the mid-2000's, then I would say that their efforts was wasted. It still got hotter in most places, even with the ugly white chemtrails over head every single day. I got to where I missed seeing just a blue sky in that time. Something was going on. But it did not work.

A genius gave the idea recently of putting up gas powered hoses into the upper atmosphere and pumping particles into the upper atmosphere to deflect the solar radiation at a bare fraction of the price the United Nations are promoting. It would not make us do without electricity or cars or industry, but keep the extra solar radiation out on a budget even a small nation could afford. OF COURSE HE WAS IGNORED BECAUSE IT BOTH MADE SENSE AND IT UNDID WHAT THEY ARE REALLY TRYING TO DO.

Last point before we go to the conclusion. In the last year or year an a half, the sun has gone quiet on the most part. It cooled down and the solar storms diminished in frequency and LO AND BEHOLD: WE HAD A COOLER SUMMER AND A NORMAL WINTER IN MOST PARTS OF THE WORLD!

Al Gore claims the bad Winter storms are a sign that we are going through Global Warming (as even Bill Clinton poked fun at). Okay doc, the thing is... the sun is quieter, so the weather is cooler. IT DOES NOT TAKE A GENIUS TO FIGURE IT OUT. IT JUST TAKES SOMEONE WHO DOES NOT HAVE A VESTED INTEREST IN PROMOTING THE IDEA OF GLOBAL WARMING (or someone who has not swallowed the brainwashing on the topic). Have you noticed that most people are afraid to buck the official stance of Global Warming? That is not science.

Look at the patterns over the centuries... it is normal to have ups and downs. It is solar mostly in nature that brings those changes. WE CANNOT CONTROL THE SUN, THAT IS GOD'S BUSINESS.

I just read about a new book coming out this week on this very topic. Brian Sussman is releasing a book on Earth Day (Thursday) called Climategate! I believe I shall buy me a copy. We have been hoodwinked, folks! We have been conned, and some of us who knew a little bit about the Environment already knew that we were being lied to. I watched Mr. Gore's film and felt like yelling at it because I felt betrayed. WHY BETRAYED? Because I have always caught flak for being something of an Environmentalist myself, and here these guys are lying about the Earth and using fear to manipulate people according to their own agenda in the name of the Environment.

How do you think that people are going to react when they figure out that they have been lied to? How protective of the environment will they be then? Its wrong.... pure and simple. They want to shut down power grids and make people totally reliant on government... make slaves (more than they are already that is) of the people out of FEAR.

There is a hidden agenda here, and we need to expose it as quickly and as completely as possible so that the people of the land can see the truth before they get the hood all the way over our heads.

Jim Coldiron
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

SEDITION? REALLY? A Worrisome Historical Parallel

Sedition? Really? I want to talk about the: “Parallels with the time before the American Revolution and today.”

TIME Magazine’s columnist Joe Klein accused Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck of coming lose to committing sedition against the United States Government. This is especially asinine when you try to apply this to Sarah Palin. The right that we have to protest when we see government doing things that are unconstitutional is being taken away. If we complain, then we become guilty of sedition. Free speech is taken away. The right to “peaceful protest” is being taken away.

It reminded me of the way that the British Crown was treating American Colonists just before the American Revolution. Laws were made to make certain British Wealth wealthier, while it made life harder on the colonists. The British officials who found it easy to break their own rules when it suited them, but enforce unfair ones on colonists became insufferable to the people who were carving a life out of the wilderness. And when they dared to say that the authorities were being unfair, that word, “sedition” was often used to shut them up in fear. Fear soon turned to frustration, and frustration turned to anger, and anger turned into a revolution.

A series of acts such as The Proclamation of 1763 and the Currency Act made life more difficult and destabilized the colonies. A series of Taxes from the Sugar Tax to the Stamp Tax to the infamous Tea Tax made hard colonial life many, many times harder than it already was. It was like taking from the poor in order to pay for the forces that were oppressing them (as the Quartering Tax directly did).

There are a number of incidents as the British fail to understand the temperament, attitudes, feelings, and lives of the colonists. They would not listen. British Rule became more and more oppressive and the colonists were pushed more and more into a corner. Laws and taxes were enacted without any regard of what it was doing to the colonies or what they thought at all. Does this sound familiar at all?

Think about the recent American Health Care Reform Law, and how the majority of Americans asked and even begged Congress and the President NOT to make it into law in its present form. Oh, we need health care reform, but not this! Think about the anger and frustration that has arisen. Think about how anyone from the middle to the Conservative Right has been polarized into a single group because their government is no longer working for the people, but is acting more and more like some other kind of government than the Republic we know and love.

See, people who are connected to the TEA PARTY on the most part are good people who are frustrated with not being represented by their Representatives and for out of control government and spending, and our Constitution being trampled on. They are not just the ultra-conservative Right and white middle class, but you will find all races and many social groups represented. This is becoming quickly a grassroots movement that is threatening to become a majority in this country. It certainly isn't some little isolated group. They represent a large portion of our country.

The liberal news propaganda machine is fighting tooth and toenail trying to make it look like some reactionary dangerous movement. The truth is that the current administration has birthed the Tea Party in protest. Our President and the majority of a liberal Congress, through their actions, have brought “the people” together to oppose their arrogance and stubbornness. They are to blame for the Tea Party. Oppression has always rallied the people in a desire for liberty. It is only now beginning to be understood that it is our liberty that is being attacked.

Not only does the majority already want a change in most of Congress and our President, but a new poll shows that 4 out of 5 Americans do not trust their government. Things certainly have changed in a year's time, hasn't it?

It isn’t sedition. It is reality. Many of us do not trust our government because they have shown themselves capable of moving in ways totally against the will of the people. That is not their function or place.

WHATEVER HAPPENED TO ABRAHAM LINCOLN’S : "government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."?

When the people rise up and say, “NO, do not make this law!”, and you use every dirty political trick to see pass it into law anyway, what has happened? When the checks and balances of Congress and the President does not work and laws totally against what the people are calling for are brought into being in the midst of great protest, what has happened? When people who dare to question a government that has taken on the traits of an oppressive state are said to be seditious, then what has happened?

This is not the same United States of America that I grew up in. This is not the same USA of the American Constitution. This is not Lincoln’s Union. Something dark has occurred and people are now waking up to it, and they are not pleased.

When someone DARES to SPEAK THE TRUTH, then are they indeed guilty of sedition? If it is sedition, then sedition against who? It is certainly not sedition against this country which is built upon the Constitution of the United States. There are no calls for armed revolt or attacking the government. But an administration that uses disinformation and propaganda and lies is afraid of those who speak truth.

Truth is only the enemy of someone who clothes themselves and their actions in lies.

There are heartbreaking parallels to the way that the people of the United States are coming together and the way that the colonists did in Pre-Revolutionary America. When the people recognize that they are being lied to, and they are attacked by both government and media when they dare to speak their minds, then they will not stand for it. This country has a long history of the people shaking themselves off and making stands for good causes in the face of tyranny. Is it tyranny yet? Hmmmm… I shall let the reader decide for themselves. But it does not look good if things continue as they are going now. The sheer amount of U.N. troops on U.S. soil, and the arrogant way that the administration treats the common citizen who disagrees with them is reminiscent of the British Empire in Colonial America.

Those who live in lies will hate the bringer of truth. And they will cry “sedition” when someone dares to expose them. It would seem that America has become a place where you can get away with such attacks against people who point out truth. THIS IS NOT SEDITION. There is no armed revolt being called for… but there is a call back to sanity. I love my country. I love what the United States was founded on… liberty! Where is it today?

Is it sedition to ask for our country back?

-James Dale Coldiron

Tuesday, April 20, 2010