Saturday, May 15, 2010

Why my name is FireStorm in the Forums

In the mid to late 1980's, I was in an interesting position.  Basically, I was running from a call of God on my life.  It isn't that I didn't trust God, but I did not understand that it is through God that we can do anything and that it did not matter that I knew all my own weaknesses and problems.  God does it through us... and because I was not looking to Him, but thinking of my own weaknesses, I ran for a few years.

During this time, I would have a recurring dream 1-3 times each week.  This is not your standard dream.  Although there would be differences from time to time, the basics of the dream would always be the same.  I felt actually tormented in this time because the dreams would get more and more intense as time went on.  
The dreams followed this line... God had given me a mission... a message to get out to as many people on the Earth as possible.  I only had a certain amount of time, because a terrible storm was coming to the land.  I would speak to so many people in so many places and in so many ways.  Many times it would seem like the great crowds listened, but the message was to get into a certain place before the storm hit or you would be caught in the storm.  And it was not just any storm, but a "FIRE STORM"  I would ride or run or walk from place to place giving the warning given to me by God, and in those times, the power of God would be rising in me and around me as the storm clouds gathered as in a circle around us moving in.

At the end of each dream, all that had listened would be in the same place (I know that's a metaphor and not a literal location).  And I would see the sky catch on fire.  The clouds that had been dark and threatening, literally caught on fire and a tornado of fire would reach down out of the swirling clouds and lightning and start to consume the land... the land would catch on fire as the firestorm had started its work of judgment.  I would be at the door and would be looking for anyone else, for there was only a small fraction of those who had heard the message that had actually made it.  Only a fraction of the people that seemed to hear and receive was actually there when the time came.  And as the storm started to come, God would say step away from the door, and it would shut!  We who had listened would be safe and were about to be taken where we would be safe from the storm.  But everyone who had heard and not heeded was now locked outside, where the firestorm consumed.

This vision of judgment was so intense in me as a young man, that one time I had driven for hours up around Shelby County, KY to see my cousin Perry, and in front of me was a powerful storm, and I nearly turned around and went back to Southeastern Kentucky.  Why?  Because it was so electrical, that it looked like the clouds were on fire somewhat... enough to remind me of the dream I had just had the night before.  It took prayer and a lot of self-control to keep on the road to my destination seeing that approaching straight in front of me.

The funny thing is, that after I embraced who I am in the Lord and walked fully in to the ministry that God has called me to, I never again had one of those dreams.  They just stopped once I became obedient.  Now, I understand that God formed and called me from my mother's womb to be who and what I am in Christ.  I hate that I ever ran, because it wasn't just God I was running from.  I was running from who I really am.

I have been given the opportunity to sound the warning in a number of places, and in a number of ways by the Lord.  I now understand, that the numbers of who responds are not my responsibility.  My responsibility to God is to be faithful to deliver the message, and do it in love and power with passion, for the time of the firestorm is truly coming.  There is a storm coming to this land.  I believe that God is going to allow me to have one last big push (the 11th Hour) before the end of this work.  And while I work in local churches, I will continue on the Internet as FireStorm to bring the Word of God and the warning that Jesus Christ is soon to call His church out of this world... the end of this age is at hand, and we must make ourselves ready.  

I know that only a fraction who hears will actually be one of the 5 Wise Virgins (Matthew 25) that is ready when the Midnight Cry is made.  But, God has called me for this hour... for this time... to be faithful, and some will listen.  Some will hear this one that is sometimes called FireStorm.  I must be faithful to God, and I must sound the message that He has given.  Some will hear the Voice of the Watchman.  Will you?

James Coldiron

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