Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Sun: the real culprit in both Global Warming and Cooling

The Sun... the real culprit in both Global Warming and Global Cooling.

Anyone who thinks and has had anything past an entry-level class in Environmental Sciences, probably understands that we have been had by both governments and by scientists who depend upon government grants. I can still remember (and have somewhere still in my possession) charts showing CO2 emissions and their effect on the climate throughout history. Do you realize that the past 5000 years has been so stable climatically that it is an aberration when you compare it to the rest of the Earth's history according to fossil records. The past 5000 years (basically since the Great Flood) has been stable, and what you see is an up and down pattern in temperatures that are controlled primarily by the sun, and to a far lesser degree by volcanic activity.

Understand that I believe that we need to be good stewards of the Earth. I believe in keeping our water and air as clean as possible, and that we need to be smart about what we are doing. But I also know that the reality of the studies (the ones that aren't politically motivated) shows that mankind's most massive CO2 emissions do not even compare to what the Earth puts out in volcanic eruptions. And the worst ones that we have seen as a race has not changed climate majorly more than 10 to 50 years at the most. The Earth has a system that regulates it back into balance after a while. And our emissions aren't enough to make a dent in that system.  Pollutions do cause a lot of damage to the Earth and its ecosystems, but not on that much to climate.


Some quick points (check me out, its true): the atmosphere is cleaner now in the past 10 years than it had been in decades. In fact, around 2004 or 2005, it was remarked how bright and clear the Earth's atmosphere looked to satellite pictures compared to the past going back to the 1960's because frankly, the atmosphere was a lot cleaner from pollutions than it had been since then. If the air is cleaner the past decade, then why the higher temps in many places?

Around the year 2000, the sun entered a time or instability and became hotter. We had greater solar flares (both in size and in sheer numbers), and every planet in the solar system with a climate became hotter and its weather destabilized. Mars had a year long sand storm where you could not see the planet's surface. Jupiter's great storm (the Red Spot) had a new friend join it in the form of a new superstorm or red spot that had never existed before.

Note that our CO2 emissions had absolutely no effect on Mars or Jupiter. I know, it was our Mars Rovers polluting its atmosphere, right?  Well, reality check:  our CO2 emissions had nothing to do with Mars or Jupiter, and yet they had greater climatic changes than the Earth had. I wonder why? Duh... could it be solar emissions?

New technology was patented to put a layer of aluminum oxide scattered in jet fuel to shield the atmosphere from excessive solar radiation. If the alarmists were correct about the "chemtrails" of jets in the last 1990's through the mid-2000's, then I would say that their efforts was wasted. It still got hotter in most places, even with the ugly white chemtrails over head every single day. I got to where I missed seeing just a blue sky in that time. Something was going on. But it did not work.

A genius gave the idea recently of putting up gas powered hoses into the upper atmosphere and pumping particles into the upper atmosphere to deflect the solar radiation at a bare fraction of the price the United Nations are promoting. It would not make us do without electricity or cars or industry, but keep the extra solar radiation out on a budget even a small nation could afford. OF COURSE HE WAS IGNORED BECAUSE IT BOTH MADE SENSE AND IT UNDID WHAT THEY ARE REALLY TRYING TO DO.

Last point before we go to the conclusion. In the last year or year an a half, the sun has gone quiet on the most part. It cooled down and the solar storms diminished in frequency and LO AND BEHOLD: WE HAD A COOLER SUMMER AND A NORMAL WINTER IN MOST PARTS OF THE WORLD!

Al Gore claims the bad Winter storms are a sign that we are going through Global Warming (as even Bill Clinton poked fun at). Okay doc, the thing is... the sun is quieter, so the weather is cooler. IT DOES NOT TAKE A GENIUS TO FIGURE IT OUT. IT JUST TAKES SOMEONE WHO DOES NOT HAVE A VESTED INTEREST IN PROMOTING THE IDEA OF GLOBAL WARMING (or someone who has not swallowed the brainwashing on the topic). Have you noticed that most people are afraid to buck the official stance of Global Warming? That is not science.

Look at the patterns over the centuries... it is normal to have ups and downs. It is solar mostly in nature that brings those changes. WE CANNOT CONTROL THE SUN, THAT IS GOD'S BUSINESS.

I just read about a new book coming out this week on this very topic. Brian Sussman is releasing a book on Earth Day (Thursday) called Climategate! I believe I shall buy me a copy. We have been hoodwinked, folks! We have been conned, and some of us who knew a little bit about the Environment already knew that we were being lied to. I watched Mr. Gore's film and felt like yelling at it because I felt betrayed. WHY BETRAYED? Because I have always caught flak for being something of an Environmentalist myself, and here these guys are lying about the Earth and using fear to manipulate people according to their own agenda in the name of the Environment.

How do you think that people are going to react when they figure out that they have been lied to? How protective of the environment will they be then? Its wrong.... pure and simple. They want to shut down power grids and make people totally reliant on government... make slaves (more than they are already that is) of the people out of FEAR.

There is a hidden agenda here, and we need to expose it as quickly and as completely as possible so that the people of the land can see the truth before they get the hood all the way over our heads.

Jim Coldiron
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

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