Saturday, September 11, 2010

What is wrong with this?

Just a quick observation.  Here on September 11, 2010... the anniversary of one of the most vicious sneak attacks against the American People in history, there is much unrest in and outside the country.  The contention that has arisen out of an Islamic Group with a leader known to be an enemy of the American People, and a friend to terrorist groups wishing to build a Mosque in the area of Ground Zero... where the World Trade Center was destroyed by Islamic Terrorists on September 11, 2001.  So, we have come to the ninth anniversary, and things have become weird.  There was a point nine years ago where the United States for a very short time became unified and a force to be reckoned with.  But it would seem that the understanding that we were given by those terrorists that there are a group of people in the world who have declared JIHAD on the West (that is us, folks) and are dedicated to our destruction has been forgotten in just a few short years.  That is a commentary on the "Sheeple Principle" that speaks volumes without me adding anything else to it.

Nine years later, you have these people who might be within their rights to build on the site of the attack, but certainly are not using one speck of wisdom or compassion in building there.  What most people do not realize is that Muslims have for centuries been building Mosques on top of sites of Islamic victories.  They like to build them on top of their enemy's holy sites, such as the Dome of the Rock on the site of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.  They have a number of Mosques built upon sites that were once Christian Churches.  Building a huge Mosque on a site where thousands of people were murdered in the name of Allah in New York falls within normal Islamic behavior when you consider their own teachings and their history throughout the centuries.  We really should not be surprised.

The unrest brought up by certain Christian (and at least one pseudo-christian) Churches in their desire to burn Korans to show their belief that Islam is a false religion which serves a false god in retaliation to the desire to build at the site of the World Trade Center Murders is reaching dangerous proportions.  Of course, not much is said when Muslims burn crosses and Bibles (not to mention the odd American Flag which is different, but connected).  

Its like, we must have religious tolerance to allow them to step on the faith of Jesus Christ and upon the faith of Jews, no one must dare say anything about Allah or the Koran.  There is a very obvious double-standard in this, and our seemingly weak-kneed leaders in this country just falls in line with it.  NOTE:  I DO NOT THINK THAT CHURCHES NEED TO THROW STONES AT OTHER RELIGIONS.  NOBODY IS CONVERTED THAT WAY.  The Crusades only served to make both Jew and Muslim hate Christians.  Going and murdering them and taking their land in the name of Jesus did not make them love or accept Jesus. It amazes me the blasphemous things that have been done in the name of Jesus when His core teachings opposes hating or murdering any person.  

This in not what the church is supposed to be... period.  The church is to bring the gospel of Jesus Christ with love and power in an uncompromising way.  I understand that building a Mosque on the World Trade Center site is a pouring of salt into a wound in America.  It is.  It is wrong.  Just because an activity is backed by law does not necessarily make it the right thing to do.  BUT REACTING IN THE SAME KIND OF RAGE AS IS SHOWN TO US IS NOT RIGHT EITHER.  Two wrongs do not make a right (I know... it sounds corny, but it is totally true).  We are to OVERCOME EVIL WITH GOOD, and not more evil.  The Koran is a book of religious hate.  I have read through it.  It mixes a high level of religiosity with hatred of others who will not submit to Islam.  There is a historical reason for that, but I will not explore it today. 

There is great unrest in the world this September 11th.  There are fiery demonstrations against the USA and Christianity in Afghanistan and other Islamic countries today.  And although the original church that was going to burn the Koran has been convinced that it was causing the wrong effect and decided not to, several other churches have decided to pick up where they left off and are burning one today including the hate-filled Westboro Baptist Church... you know, the church that love to say that God hates America and protests the funerals of our fallen military.  They claim hate is the way of the Savior.  Their fruit of hate speaks for itself.  

Muslim groups are grouping to retaliate, even though they themselves are responsible for persecuting Christians abroad and burning Bibles and crosses (double standard again).

And if you add the PURE MESS our economy is in and the fact that there is coming a day when they will not be able to pay the interest due on the money and the banks will close to all of us as the dollar is destroyed... and it is coming...

WHAT ARE THE BIGGER INTERESTS OF THE DAY?  It amazes me how the news media these days seem to be trying to lull us to sleep and get our minds off of anything important!  I think it might be better to name them what they are... Propaganda Networks.  And what is the BIGGER INTEREST?

"Why did President Obama not have his wedding ring on during a news conference?"

Yes folks, that was the major buzz from the White House News Staff... what is going on with the Wedding Ring?  GASP!!!  Never mind that Mr. Obama was admitting that the Health Care Reform was actually going to increase the costs of health care (oh, I didn't mention that one, did I?).  He admitted that the costs are now up thanks to the new laws.  Never mind that the major leaders of business are not hiring or expanding because they think that the Obama Administration is Anti-business and from tax issues to the new health care costs, it isn't worth expanding while unemployment is skyrocketing.   They are trying to admit slowly that we are in a Recession, but what they are afraid to say is that we are on the brink of a Depression.

But the real concern is why is the president being seen without his wedding ring?

And the sheeple turn to one another and ask the profound question, "I wonder why he didn't wear his ring, honey?"

Then the news corps were given the explanation... "The wedding ring is being repaired"!  Whew!  I was concerned there.  I mean, what if he just deliberately did not wear it?  I mean, what would happen to his very image if that were to happen?

If you are not sickened of being led down a rosy path as real nightmares are materializing around us by now, then I guess you will be totally shocked when you find yourself in bondage, with no income or food, and the enemy at your door with a gun or bomb while you are worrying about some trivia.  WAKE UP!  Do not listen to the droning of nothingness.  

It is hypnotic and empty of purpose, that is the point.  Who cares why he didn't wear his wedding ring!  I want to know why he sounded off on that Mosque in New York when he didn't have to elevating the conflict!  I want to know why he used every dirty trick to bring in a health care system that already can be seen as a disaster against the desires and cries of the majority of the citizens of this nation!  I want to know why he has put us in more debt than we will ever be able to deal with and acts like everything is getting better when it is exploding financially all around us!  I don't give a gnat's hair why he's not wearing his wedding ring or the occasions that Mrs. Obama did not wear hers!  Dear God, please help the news services actually report some real news!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Question: Does the Federal Government want rid of Arizona???

Does it seem to you that President Obama and others are out of touch on what is happening in Arizona and other border states in the South?

If you want to move any contraband into the USA, be it drugs or guns or bioweapons (for terrorists), then the Mexican Border is open enough to move anything that you want. Besides the open desert, there is an active tunnel system that the Drug Cartels control.
If a terrorist got their hands on a nuke, then the easiest and surest way to move it into the USA would be via Mexico and our unsecured border.

The borders of practically every major country in the world are secure, except the the U.S.A.'s.
I wonder why we (the American people) are not worth protection from an invasion of drugs and drug cartels? It is a fact that the great majority of groups of illegals that cross the border (especially in Arizona) are carrying drugs or other contraband.  A lot of courts won't even seriously try an illegal if they are carrying a kilo of dope because of the ones who are bringing a lot over the border (that one blew my mind)... trying not to congest the system any worse than it already is. They kidnap and kill United States citizens. They attack the owners of ranches on the border when they investigate who is on their land. If the drug cartels cannot buy an official off, then that official's life expectancy drops radically on both sides of the border.

The border lands have become literal warzones. Arizona especially is fighting to keep from being taken over by Mexican drug lords who have already taken over a great portion of the Mexican side. I wonder why great sums of money can be created out of thin air (look at how they create money and the fact that money represents debt with the Federal Reserve sometime) to support a war on the other side of the world, and why our most precious commodity, our soldiers and airmen and sailors and marines can be risked on the other side of the world, and yet the federal government can only send 30 National Guardsmen to protect the Arizona border against major intrusions into our country by drug cartels. 

In fact, it is not an exaggeration to say that ARIZONA IS FIGHTING AGAINST A REAL INVASION FROM SOUTH OF THE BORDER.

Arizona has passed new laws to help it fight the FLOOD of illegals and the drug trade, so the Federal Government has sued the State of Arizona over it. Arizona has asked for President Obama to do his job and help them secure the American Border in Arizona because very hostile forces are moving dope and other contraband with thousands of illegals into our country attacking the law and order of the land, and putting U.S. citizens at GREAT RISK. Their response has been to sue sheriffs who are trying to keep the drug cartels out.

Arizona has officially asked for National Guard help to keep these dangerous people out of the American side of the border... they asked for 3000 troops. The President promised the gradual incremental installation of National Guard, but so far he has sent a whole 30 guardsmen
. 30! That's right! They asked for 3000, and the U.S. Government sent a whole 30 soldiers to help keep all the borderland of Arizona protected.
QUESTION: Does President Obama want to give Arizona to the Mexican Drug Cartels as a present?
Or, does the president want to feed the fires of discontent and civil unrest in the United States? 
Between selling out not only our future but our children and their children's future by giving us a debt that generations will have to work on paying off, and the fact that he seems more concerned about illegal aliens and the drug cartels that help them get across with their drugs than he does the citizens (and their safety) of the United States, one begins to wonder if he cares about the United States and her people at all. One wonders if this lawyer ever studied the Constitution and read about how this country actually started and how that he seems to be repeating many of the same mistakes as King George of England and the arrogant high-handed way that the English just plain did not care about the Colonies or their needs.

This government is trashing the people worse than it has ever been trashed since we have been the United States of America. The principles of the founding fathers and the Constitution are being trashed, and it is treated as if it is no big deal by our leaders. Do they think that they are above the law of the land?

Mr. Obama and his other liberal thinking Congressmen puppets who have followed behind him (and not just the Democrats either), seem to be walking around as if they are awake and conscious(walking and talking), but are about as aware of the wishes and needs of the American Public and their own responsibilities under the Constitution as a comatose zombie might be. They also seem as aware of their own responsibilities to represent the people (the is the government of the people, for the people, and by the people) about as much a self-centered lemur might be. My point is, it would seem that they are totally unaware that the people of Arizona, and perhaps the people of the United States will not put up with this kind of high-handed narcissism by President Obama and other Congressional leaders. 

When the people are crying out for the federal government to do their jobs, and the government winds up opposing those people and making it harder for those who are trying to do their jobs to protect the people (such as the legislative and police forces of Arizona) and act like they are within their rights to do this... well, it sounds like some of our leaders have Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

So, does the Federal Government, and more specifically President Obama, want rid of Arizona? He seems dead set on forcing them to be unprotected against an army of drug lords and the violence that has become a part of their lives. Does he want to make a present of Arizona to the Drug Lords?

This is indicative of an administration that is totally out of touch with the people of the United States. This is indicative of a narcissistic personality that has power, and does not care what his responsibility is supposed to be or what the people think at all.
It is a shame that in our system of government, the American People could not call for a Vote of No Confidence for our president and certain members of Congress.

I read a commentary last night by someone who pointed out that the way that Mr. Obama keeps blaming President Bush is not fooling many people. In fact, a "lot" of people who voted for Mr. Obama in the nation has made it clear that they would rather have George W. Bush back in the office right now.  Funny how things are relative. Sometimes you listen to those in charge of the media complain so much that you get to believing them that someone is guilty of things that they couldn't possibly be... as it was with Mr. Bush. I understand that some of the problems we have now with the border were made worse with Mr. Bush's caving into the people who wanted him to pass NAFTA and be easy on illegal aliens. But, we never saw any indication that he was for helping the drug cartels, or would have backed the Mexicans over his own people. Things have degraded quickly. They were bound though to blame Mr. Bush for everything in the last election... even things that he had nothing to do with. Then, when the rubber meets the road later and you see what happens when the people get what they demand sometimes without checking out what the man really stands for... well, you realize that your complaining before is not that well-founded and you did not have it bad compared to your current situation. American could have made a much wiser choice.

See... America asked for this... sadly. They thought they knew what they wanted, and what they have put in power has turned around and bit them when it suited him. He is either unaware, or simply does not care.

Between the devastating debt and destruction of the U.S. Dollar, and the invasion of our borders by the drug cartels and the callous way that the current administration (hey, its the majority of congress, too) is supporting the drug lords over our people,
the winds of change in the coming elections have become a uni-directional hurricane. It's too bad we can't call for that vote this week.

James Coldiron